Q. What styles of lifts are there? A. The two options are vertical and incline lifts. Your site location will determine what type of lift is best for you. We will help make that determination with you. Q. Can we carry freight as well as people? A. No, the code is specific that the lifts are designed for people only. The usage as a freight lift will lead to damage very quickly. Q. How are inclined wheelchair lifts installed? A. Inclined wheelchair lifts are supported by the wall or embedded stanchions. These support the lift which cantilevers out from these mounting structures. Q. Do I need a permit for an inclined wheelchair lift? A. A permit is not required for residential installations. CALIFORNIA: All non-residential installations require a permit from the State of California and installation conducted by a State permitted installation company and technician. NEVADA: All non-residential installations require a permit from the State of Nevada and installation conducted by a State permitted installation company and technician. ARIZONA: A one-time post-installation inspection will occur. No permit required. Installation must be conducted by a State permitted installation company and technician. Q. How much room does a vertical platform lift take? A. This can vary with platform size changes and the use of ramps or pits. A standard wheelchair lift will take up 4.5′ x 5′. Q. Do I need a permit for a vertical wheelchair lift? A. A permit is not required for residential installations. CALIFORNIA: All non-residential installations require a permit by the State of California and installation by a state-permitted installation company and technician. NEVADA: All non-residential installations require a one-time inspection after installation. ARIZONA: All non-residential installations require a one-time inspection after installation. Q. Is there a limit to the height a lift can travel? A. Yes, California law limits you to 12 feet. Nevada and Arizona allow you to travel to 14 feet. Q. What is the capacity of a vertical platform lift? A. Up to 750 pounds.